Set xmlDoc = CreateObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" ) xmlDoc.Async = "False" path = "C:\Users\UserName\Oni\AE\AEInstaller\vanilla\level19_Final\AKEVcompound.xml" xmlDoc.Load( path ) ' ############# AKEV textures Set colTextures = xmlDoc.selectNodes( "Oni/TXMA/Textures/Link" ) loop_count = colTextures.length ' ############# textures in folder ' no sub-folders support set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") path = "C:\Users\UserName\Oni\AE\AEInstaller\vanilla\level19_Final" set dir = FSO.GetFolder(path) set folder = dir.Files ' ############# progress bar 'dim oProgressBar set oProgressBar = XSIUIToolkit.ProgressBar oProgressBar.CancelEnabled = false oProgressBar.Maximum = loop_count oProgressBar.Caption = "Comparing AKEV file with textures in folder" oProgressBar.Visible = True n = 0 for i=0 to loop_count - 1 i = oProgressBar.Increment oProgressBar.StatusText = colTextures.item(i).text isFound = False for each file In folder If FSO.GetExtensionName(file) = "oni" then file = FSO.GetBaseName(file) if left(file, 4) = "TXMP" then 'logmessage file if colTextures.item(i).text = file then isFound = True end if end if end if next if Not isFound then n = n + 1 logmessage "AKEV texture couldn't be found in folder: " & colTextures.item(i).text end if next logmessage n & " missing textures?" if n > 0 then logmessage "check if those are level 0 textures / level X decal textures (CJBO particle)" logmessage "level X decal textures should be added to the package by hand" end if