TRAM Speed Up Animation

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TRAM Speed Up Animation v1.1 written by s10k

What is this?

This is an XmlTools2 patch file that allow you to easily speed up any existing animation (TRAM) in Oni.

How do I use it?

The easiest way to execute it is to add XmlTools to your PATH variable and put the TRAM.xml files the same directory of the patch file.

Then inside the directory with the xml files and patch file do (in a console):
XmlTools -p TRAM_speed_up_animation.patch

The files should be patched and you should get animations that are ~25% faster than the original (by default).

You can adjust the speedup of the animation editing the patch file (line 13):
var FRAME_JUMP = 4;

1.1, 12-05-2019
- Added Footsteps element support
- Now we do not delete the last frame (OniSplit gave error while importing when we did so)
- Fix script crash when Attacks element is not found (some TRAMs do not have it)
1.0, 03-02-2019
- Initial release

Package icon TRAM_speed_up_animation11.zip6.49 KB