Revision of Arena of Hurt - Zen Garden from Mon, 03/22/2021 - 11:12

EdT, Leus, Samer
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Modifies the new level Chapter 7: Arena of Hurt to use Oni Zen Garden instead of Oni Team Arena.

The Zen Garden Mod by Leus allows you to set your own battles and fully customize them: selecting which characters to spawn and fight, which team you're on, which items you get, and even select which music to play!

You can spawn and fight the built-in characters or the custom characters such as the Iron Demon, Sarai, Motoko, Casey, Rayman... (provided you have these characters installed).

How to use this mod:
1. Load the Arena of Hurt level (it's level 7).
2. Activate Developer Mode (Press F1, then 'x', then F1).
3. Press ~ (the tilde/grave accent key) to bring up the dev console, then type "help" in the console and read the on-screen instructions.

Or visit this thread for detailed instructions, more info, screenshots and support.

Credits: Updates to support newer characters by Samer, original concept by Leus, Arena of Hurt level brought to Oni by EdT.

Package icon 80201Arena_of_Hurt_Zen_Garden2_41.zip14.83 KB