AI Battle

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EdT, Leus, Samer, Geyser
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AI Battle allows you to customize a battle between AIs, or you can choose to fight. It combines elements of OTA and Oni Zen Garden. You can go from 1 vs. 1 battles to 8 vs. 8. There are options for weapons and fighting areas. You can shapeshift to any character by name. You can focus the camera on any character.

As an extra bonus, you can play OTA by selecting the members of each team. The scripts and BINACJBOCharacter file were based on Oni Zen Garden - Junkyard and OTA

To play AI Battle, you need to activate Developer Mode by pressing F1, then 'x', then F1, and press ~ (the tilde/grave accent key) to bring up the dev console to enter commands.

This mod uses level 7.

Package icon 80320AI_Battle3_01.zip730.73 KB